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Christmas and New Year holidays - 

the restaurant will be open until 21 December 2024 - we will be closed for Christmas and the New Year and re-open from Friday, 10 January 2025 and look forward to welcoming you once again


Our vegan cannelé dessert - Pant-y-Gwydr starters, main courses and desserts - as our vegan customers tell us,

"made with love" - combining the traditions and techniques of classical French cuisine and pastry-making with our own original twist, our aim is to delight our customers at every visit 


FOR RESERVATIONS TELEPHONE 01792 455498 or email

The restaurant is open for private bookings on Sundays if you have a party of 15 people or more ADVANCE RESERVATION IS REQUESTED

Open for dinner on Tuesdays from 6pm (doors close 11pm)

Open from Wednesday to Saturday for lunch (12pm-3pm) and dinner (6pm-11pm)

Please note that if you are booking for a party of more than ten guests we will request advance menu choices and advance payment. If you are celebrating a birthday, we are only too happy to place a candle in one of our themed desserts - we kindly request that you do not bring birthday cakes to the restaurant.

(Tous nos plats sont faits maison - this is what makes our cooking so special - every starter, main course and dessert from the French fish soup, stocks and sauces to our desserts, sorbets and ice creams - all made with the skills of a French chef and patissier here on site)

We look forward to continuing to serve you 

Pantygwydr Hotel Oxford Street


© Le Petit Four Ltd

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